Code of Ethics
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Body (NCBTMB)
Revised October of 2008
Copyright 2007 National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
NCBTMB certificants and applicants for certification shall act in a manner that justifies public trust and confidence, enhances the reputation of the profession, and safeguards the interest of individual clients. Certificants and applicants for certification will:
Have a sincere commitment to provide the highest quality of care to those who seek their professional services.
Represent their qualifications honestly, including education and professional affiliations, and provide only those services that they are qualified to perform.
Accurately inform clients, other health care practitioners, and the public of the scope and limitations of their discipline.
Acknowledge the limitations of and contraindications for massage and bodywork and refer clients to appropriate health professionals.
Provide treatment only where there is reasonable expectation that it will be advantageous to the client.
Consistently maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence, striving for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses and through continued education training.
Conduct their business and professional activities with honesty and integrity, and respect the inherent worth of all persons.
Refuse to unjustly discriminate against clients and/or health professionals.
Safeguard the confidentiality of all client information, unless disclosure is requested by the client in writing, is medically necessary, is required by law, or necessary for the protection of the public.
Respect the client's right to treatment with informed and voluntary consent. The certified practitioner will obtain and record the informed consent of the client, or client's advocate, before providing treatment. This consent may be written or verbal.
Respect the client's right to refuse, modify or terminate treatment regardless of prior consent given.
Provide draping and treatment in a way that ensures the safety, comfort and privacy of the client.
Exercise the right to refuse to treat any person or part of the body for just and reasonable cause.
Refrain, under all circumstances, from initiating or engaging in any sexual conduct, sexual activities, or sexualizing behavior involving a client, even if the client attempts to sexualize the relationship unless a pre-existing relationship exists between an applicant or a practitioner and the client prior to the applicant or practitioner applying to be certified by NCBTMB.
Avoid any interest, activity or influence which might be in conflict with the practitioner's obligation to act in the best interests of the client or the profession.
Respect the client's boundaries with regard to privacy, disclosure, exposure, emotional expression, beliefs and the client's reasonable expectations of professional behavior. Practitioners will respect the client's autonomy.
Refuse any gifts or benefits that are intended to influence a referral, decision or treatment, or that are purely for personal gain and not for the good of the client.
Follow the NCBTMB Standards of Practice, this Code of Ethics, and all policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes, and requirements promulgated by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.
Delaware Board of Massage and Bodywork
11.0 Standards of Professional Conduct
11.1 A licensee shall:
11.1.1 Maintain current knowledge of the application of massage practice, including indications, contraindications and precautions.
11.1.2 Undertake a specific technique or use a product or equipment only if the licensee has the necessary knowledge, training or skill to competently perform the technique.
11.1.3 Base decisions and action on behalf of a client on sound ethical reasoning and current principles of practice.
11.1.4 Provide treatment only where there is an expectation that it will be advantageous to the client.
11.1.5 Refer the client to an appropriate health care professional when indicated in the interests of the client.
11.1.6 Discuss with clients which massage modalities and techniques will be utilized and the benefits of these modalities and techniques, the objectives, and that participation is voluntary and that consent to treatment or participation may be withdrawn at any time.
11.1.7 Modify or terminate the massage session at any time upon request of the client.
11.1.8 Keep client information private and confidential. This standard does not prohibit or affect reporting mandated under State or Federal law to protect children, older adults or others.
11.1.9 Use safe and functional coverage/draping practices during the practice of massage when the client is disrobed. Safe and functional coverage/draping means that the client’s genitals and gluteal cleft and the breast area of female clients are not exposed and that massage or movement of the body does not expose genitals, gluteal cleft or breast area.
11.1.10 Continuously maintain current CPR certification.
11.1.11 Be clean, fully-clothed and professional in dress and appearance.
11.1.12 Display his or her current license with expiration date in a location clearly visible to clients or, when practicing offsite, display the licensee’s wallet card.
11.1.13 Include the licensee’s license number on all forms and in all advertisements, including business cards, brochures and in print and online media.
11.1.14 Cooperate with the Division of Professional Regulation in the investigation of complaints.
11.1.15 Maintain massage records for at least 3 years from the last date that services were provided to the client.
11.1.16 Educate clients about maintaining the beneficial effect of massage treatment when indicated by a massage treatment plan.
11.1.17 Know and comply with the Board’s licensing law, Chapter 53 of Title 24 of the Delaware Code, and Rules and Regulations.
American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) Code of Ethics for Massage Therapists
Revised May of 2010
This Code of Ethics is a summary statement of the standards by which massage therapists agree to conduct their practices and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical, professional behavior.
Massage therapists shall:
Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality massage therapy/bodywork to those who seek their professional service.
Acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person by not discriminating or behaving in any prejudicial manner with clients and/or colleagues.
Demonstrate professional excellence through regular self-assessment of strengths, limitations, and effectiveness by continued education and training.
Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client’s right to privacy.
Project a professional image and uphold the highest standards of professionalism.
Accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well being of self, clients, and associates.
Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice, the law of the land, and project a professional image.
Be truthful in advertising and marketing, and refrain from misrepresenting his or her services, charges for services, credentials, training, experience, ability or results.
Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving their clients.
Refrain from using AMTA membership, including the AMTA name, logo or other intellectual property, or the member’s position, in any way that is unauthorized, improper or misleading.
Refrain from engaging in any activity which would violate confidentiality commitments and/or proprietary rights of AMTA or any other person or organization.